We help others to live well until the very last moment

Some of us began to channel our vocation for service at the Hospice Buen Samaritano located in the north of Greater Buenos Aires in 2018; where we continue to do so to this day and where we have learned key skills to accomplish our mission. This experience has therefore, prompted us to give a helping hand in our own neighbourhood.In the west part of Greater Buenos Aires, this type of service is rarely found but greatly needed as some of the poorest areas of the city are located here. Understanding this need in those around us was key. This is how AMAH was born, inspired by Jesus, a doctor of body and soul who continues to heal our hearts today.

Those of us who are part of AMAH give support to terminally- ill patients with advanced oncological diseases. Love is the force that drives us to provide this free service not only for patients but also for their families.

We offer support over the telephone by calling and talking to patients and their families weekly, through attentive and respectful listening, and visits to Hospital Mariano and Luciano de la Vega de Moreno, province of Buenos Aires..

A network of help

We are forming an interdisciplinary team of professionals to develop and build a place of our own; a house-hospice to host and care for low-income patients free of charge. To carry out this project, we need your help.


Our vision is to promote and provide skilled and compassionate palliative care.


Our service seeks to relieve pain through personalized, competent and compassionate care, preserving the highest possible quality of life for people with advanced oncological diseases, respecting their autonomy and dignity.


Our values guide us to live a life of service. Despite problems and challenges, our values remain constant. They inform our work, the way we interact with each other, and the paths we follow to accomplish our mission. The teachings of our Lord and Master Jesus can be felt and seen in everything we do.

LOVE: It is the force that drives us to do things well. It is God himself. Love your neighbour as yourself.

RESPONSIBILITY: We take responsibility for our service. We are committed to excellence.

INTEGRITY: We are committed to acting in a consistent, honest and trustworthy manner.

RESPECT: We appreciate other people with their own cultural identity. We respect differences.

TEAMWORK: We collaborate dynamically to carry out our mission. "However small, everyone can play a part".

TRANSPARENCY: We provide all the requested information. We communicate openly and honestly. We appreciate feedback.

JOY: We like to keep a smile, even in the face of difficulties and pain. Good deeds can be truly uplifting.